I’ve been contemplating this a lot lately. We all say that we want to be happy, but who really embodies happiness and joy on a regular basis? With all the challenges of modern-day living, I find that we are good at pursuing happiness, but not so good at actually reaching out and CLAIMING it for ourselves.
If you would have asked *Kacey five years ago* what she needed in order to be happy and successful, she would have listed things like: become sober from alcohol, plant a firm foundation financially, heal old wounds that have held me back in the past, create a loving and committed partnership, land in a healthy body that I can sustain easily and consistently, and create a career out of my life’s purpose.
HOLY COW!!! Mission accomplished!!! Wow. It blows my mind that I have every single thing on that list in the life I’m living right now. I am so freaking grateful for the work that I’ve done and for everyone who has supported me along the way.
So, if I really do currently have everything that I need to be happy and experience joy, why isn’t it…easier?
Personal Application
01 : What emotions and feelings do you experience on most days?
02 : What would you like to feel, instead?
03: How can you start with what already brings you joy, and expand it?
04: What thoughts or habit would you have to release or change to move towards joy?