Something that I find to be so ironic is that we place so much value on the intellectual MIND, but nowhere in our education or upbringing does anyone ever teach us how our minds WORK. We learn how to fill our brains will all sorts of useful things, but we don’t generally learn how that information is processed, stored, or how those things effect our lives in major ways.
If we were able to understand the objectives and processes of our minds, we could use them as the tools they were designed to be to accomplish the tasks they were meant for. We could use our minds to our advantage, instead of receiving everything we think as fact or truth.
The Reticular Activating System inside of the mind is a filtering and processing tool that the brain uses to categorize what is important to us, and then filter what happens to us according to those categories. Like anything in the body, the more you use it, the easier it becomes to access. The RAS forms filters based on what information we choose to focus on most frequently.
Your RAS will show you more of what you’re already focused on. So, if all you see are problems, lack, scarcity, or defeat, then your brain will expect those things and scan and filter to make sure your eyes see more evidence just like that. Conversely, if your brain primarily focuses on small wins, sufficiency, connection, love, abundance, then your mind will see the world through that type of lens, and it will find more evidence to show you that life is indeed harmonious and beautiful.
When we become aware of our filters, we can decide if we want to keep them or not. When we do the work of actively creating new neuropathways inside of the brain, we form new filters, we begin to see life differently, and new types of experiences make themselves available to us.
Becoming aware of our filters is one of the fundamental layers of visualization, manifestation, and the creation of the life you want to live in. What color are your glasses?
If you want to bring awareness to and change your filters watch my 90-minute class to help you fully see it to believe it.
Ready to take this one step further and really dive head first into your transformation? Sign up for a free 60-minute discovery call and see just what life coaching has to offer you!