What’s Your THING?
Everyone’s got something, right? That one (or more than one) area of your life that consistently trips you up. The thing that holds you back, that prevents you from being completely full. That thing that you keep telling yourself that once it’s *fixed* or *solved* or *healed* or *sorted* in some way, THEN my life will be good/complete/perfect.
The THING is different for everyone. It could be your body, your family, your tendency to want to numb out with substances or distractions. Your thing could be never getting enough sleep or constantly living in overwhelm or cycles of panicked procrastination and the ensuing burnout. Perhaps your thing is believing that a partnership or a family will complete or fix you. Maybe you feel unchosen. Perhaps you feel unseen or misunderstood by your family and friends. Maybe your life hasn’t turned out the way you had hoped, and you’ve been disappointed for many years. When you scan your current life as well as your past, what comes up?
How are these hang-ups impacting your life today?
How have they shaped you?
How long have you been participating with this THING???
How has it served you?
How has it held you back?
The beautiful thing about YOGA is that while many of us understand it to be primarily a physical practice, it is actually meant to be so much more than that. There are EIGHT Limbs of Yoga, and the Asana, or physical practice, is only ONE of those unique limbs. The holographic practice of yoga is concerned not only with our physical embodiment, but also with who we are on the inside, how we relate to those around us, and our ability to go inward to experience deeper layers of stillness, peace, focus, and ultimately BLISS. The yoga cares about our suffering and gives us a roadmap out of it.
The Kleshas are a Yogic concept that illustrate the FIVE ways that we humans tend to increase our own suffering.
The Kleshas explore our tendency to take things personally, the fear of death and things being temporary, aversion, attraction, as well as our inability to accept life how it actually is instead of making it the way we think it should be. When examined under the scope of your personal THING(S), these Kleshas can support us to unwind these spokes of suffering inside of ourselves that we might be free to experience the beauty of life in each and every moment.
Join me for this 90-mintue Yoga Flow where you’ll practice yoga physically on your mat and in the inner workings of your life!
Life is too short to spend your finite days circling around the same cycles again and again. Conversely, life is way too long to be having the same conversations over and over again, one year, five years, or 20 years down the line. These cycles won’t change unless you do, and I’m here to support that effort.
Here’s to unwinding our THINGS so that we can be available for new growth, new problems, new cycles, new challenges, and new LIFE!